I changed the grade to 7b+, but it may be 7c, considering soft-grading traditions in Skevik. The crux sequence at the top is fantastic! /Peter Y I think you should stick to the 7b+ grade. Don't get your point about soft grades at Skevik though, in general I think that people thinks the grades are fair in Skevik. I can only see maybe 3 lines on the crag that have been up for discussion - Luftslottet direkt 7a but more 6c, Voodoo 7c but more 7b/+ and Nattsudd 7b+ (7a+) (this due to the fact that people tend to climb to the left rather than straight up the buldge). /Olof E How about this: Tabu -> 7a+ (not harder than Orup) Pumpmaskin -> 7a (not harder than Panta Rei) Megadans -> 7b+ (not harder than Rakt på sak) And I'd suggest Nonstop 7b as the benchmark route for entire Skevik. The crux on Fobi is harder than that on Voodoo (maybe even harder than on Megadans) and about the same as on Ingen vinner. On Fobi however, you do it after a rest on the ledge just below, while on Ingen vinner (and on Megadans) it comes after some meters of sustained climbing. So, I think that overally 7b+ is a correct grade for Fobi. /Peter Y I agree on Megadans now when you mention it. It's probably not 7c. But for Tabu i think the crux move is harder then any move on Orup and that Pumpmaskin is quite more sustained (in some strange way) then Panta Rei. Since it's all very much subjective, this grading thing, I base my thoughts from what people have said about the grades on 8a. /Olof E